
High Blood Pressure

Board Certified Family Medicine located in Sebring, FL

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is very common, and unless you have yours measured, you won’t know you have a problem. At Precision First Healthcare in Sebring, Florida. Francis Kane, MD, provides routine blood pressure checks and can help you manage your blood pressure. Without treatment, your high blood pressure could lead to additional health problems, so call today to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online.

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a widespread disorder that causes few if any, symptoms until it reaches a critically dangerous level. Undiagnosed high blood pressure can contribute to serious, potentially life-threatening health issues such as:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Aneurysm
  • Heart failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Sight loss
  • Metabolic syndrome

High blood pressure can also lead to difficulties thinking clearly or remembering and eventually to dementia.

Because high blood pressure doesn’t cause symptoms until it reaches a crisis point, you could have the condition and be entirely unaware. It’s, therefore, essential to visit Precision First Healthcare for regular blood pressure checks. The team can quickly and easily measure your blood pressure so you can take steps to address it.

How is blood pressure measured?

Blood pressure measurements show the level of resistance in your arteries to blood pumping through them. There are two readings in a blood pressure measurement. The top number is systolic, which measures the pressure inside your arteries when your heart is beating. The bottom number is diastolic, which measures the pressure in your arteries in between heartbeats.

To measure your blood pressure, Dr. Kane puts a cuff around your upper arm and inflates it. The cuff tightens as it inflates, providing the two readings that make up your blood pressure measurement.

Healthy blood pressure is below 120/80. Elevated blood pressure is 120-129 systolic with less than 80 diastolic. If you have elevated blood pressure, it means it’s likely to keep rising and reach an unhealthy level if you don’t address the problem. 

If your systolic reading falls between 130 and 139 or your diastolic reading is between 80 and 90, you have stage 1 hypertension. Systolic pressure of 140 or higher and diastolic pressure of 90 or higher mean you have stage 2 hypertension. 

How is high blood pressure treated?

The key to healthy blood pressure is leading a healthy lifestyle. Many of the causes of high blood pressure relate to your diet and other habits, so making changes in the way you do things on a daily basis can make a significant difference.

Lifestyle changes to help improve your blood pressure include:

  • Losing weight
  • Eating a healthy diet 
  • Reducing salt intake
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Stopping smoking
  • Managing stress
  • Reducing alcohol intake

If you have high blood pressure, you may need to take medication to keep it under control.

Call Precision First Healthcare today to arrange a blood pressure check or book your appointment online.