

Board Certified Family Medicine located in Sebring, FL


There are two main types of diabetes with different causes, but both can result in life-altering complications. If you haven’t had a blood sugar test for a while, you should arrange to have one at Precision First Healthcare in Sebring, Florida. Francis Kane, MD, and the team can help reverse the early stages of diabetes and manage the condition for the long term. Call the office today to schedule a consultation or book an appointment online.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a disorder that develops when you have a problem with the hormone insulin. You need insulin to regulate glucose (sugar) in your blood. If your blood glucose levels are too high or too low, it can lead to serious complications that may be life-threatening.

Insulin is produced in your pancreas. Some people develop an autoimmune type of diabetes, where their body destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. This condition is called Type 1 diabetes, and it usually develops early in life.

Type 2 diabetes is caused by problems with how the body uses insulin. This type of diabetes typically affects older people, but the number of children developing Type 2 diabetes is increasing. The reason for this increase is that the main cause of Type 2 diabetes is being overweight or obese. Rates of childhood obesity are increasing, so the cases of children and teens with Type 2 diabetes are also going up.

What complications does diabetes cause?

Diabetes significantly increases your risk of developing cardiovascular problems such as angina, atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.

Circulation problems affecting the lower legs are one of the most common complications of diabetes. When high blood glucose levels affect the tiny blood vessels called capillaries that feed the nerves in the extremities, the nerves become damaged. This is called diabetic neuropathy, which causes tingling, pain, numbness, or burning sensations in the feet that may spread up the legs. 

Numbness and poor circulation may contribute to foot sores called diabetic ulcers that can be very difficult to heal and can sometimes lead to amputation of the limb.

Other complications of diabetes may include:

  • Digestive problems
  • Erectile dysfunction in men
  • Kidney damage (nephropathy)
  • Eye damage (retinopathy)
  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Skin conditions
  • Hearing problems
  • Depression

Diabetes could also increase your risk of developing dementia.

How is diabetes treated?

Type 1 diabetes requires life-long insulin therapy. You monitor your blood sugar levels and inject insulin to keep them under control.

Type 2 diabetes typically requires oral medications, and sometimes insulin, to manage your blood sugar. You can make a difference in controlling your Type 2 diabetes by making lifestyle changes such as:

  • Losing weight
  • Eating healthy foods
  • Getting more exercise
  • Stopping smoking

These measures can be very effective in managing diabetes. Dr. Kane can support you with counseling, advice, and help with weight loss. He monitors your health regularly to check your blood glucose levels and look for signs of any complications.

Call Precision First Healthcare or book an appointment online while you’re here on the website.